With the end of the year and the holiday season approaching, fall can be a hectic time for entrepreneurs. Maybe there are goals you haven’t quite met, an upcoming launch, or one that needs to be planned, or maybe you are already starting to think about next year. Either way, the winds of the fall season can leave you feeling scattered and overwhelmed. One of the best ways to embrace this season of change is to practice grounding.

Grounding is the practice of using techniques to bring yourself into the present moment – away from worries about the future or the past, and into the here and now so that you can move forward with intention rather than constantly being on auto-pilot.  

Grounding can support you in releasing stress, finding more calm, boosting your energy, keeping you motivated, and supporting you through even the most challenging times in your business.

Here are five ways that you can practice grounding in order to be present with your business for the last few months of this year: 

  1. Set Realistic Q4 Goals

Take time to journal about what you would like to accomplish in this last quarter of the year, as well as any fears or worries related to reaching those goals. Once you become present with your fears and desires (a key component of grounding), how can you begin to address those fears and worries? What actions can you start to take today towards your goals. 

  1. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to become more present. While it may not feel like it at first, over time the more you practice meditation the more you give yourself space between all those thoughts that are keeping you from being present with your business right now. 

To stay grounded in your meditation practice – anytime your mind wanders, come back to your breath or notice the way your body moves with each inhale and exhale. You can practice for as long as you have (start with 2 minutes and work your way up). A consistent practice will help you feel the most benefits. 

  1. Ask for Feedback

As we approach the end of the year, this is a great time to check in with your customers/clients. What are they enjoying about your business? What do they need more of? How can you serve them? This is a great way to practice humility and gratitude, after all you are here to serve your customers, right?

  1. Connect Back to Your Why

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed or off track with your business it’s because you may have lost touch with your why – what drove you to start your business in the first place? Take some time to journal about it, or talk to a friend or family member and share your thoughts with them. 

  1. Manage Your Day-to-Day Tasks

Overwhelm happens when you feel there is just too much to handle, the root cause of this may be how you manage your day-to-day tasks. It can feel very grounding to have a daily/weekly routine or a checklist to keep you on track and help you feel accomplished as you move towards the end of the year. 

Another beautiful way to stay grounded is to connect with nature. Go for a hike, walk in the park, put your feet in the grass. When we connect with nature, we connect with the frequency of balance! 

Practice grounding while you embrace the seasonal changes in the air; be present with your business during this beautiful fall season. 

fall grounding tips for entrepreneursDanielle D’Souza Balsez is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women manage stress and anxiety so they can have more peaceful and balanced lives. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched The Calm Corner a Facebook community for women to learn tips and tools to release stress and connect with other women on the same journey. You can find out more about Danielle and her current offerings by visiting her website www.daniellebalsez.com   


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