There are many benefits of journaling – stress release, confidence building, improved communication, expression and memory to name a few – but did you know it can help you on your journey as an entrepreneur as well? This post will help you create your own entrepreneurial journal!

Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster – with highs and lows, loops and swirls, that can at times leave you feeling confused, burnt-out, and unmotivated. However, just like any good story, it is always more rewarding to see the hero win at the end knowing the journey that they have been on. 

Creating an entrepreneurial journal will help you honour your unique entrepreneurial journey and be more present with each and every moment. 

Here is a step-by-step approach on how you can …

Create your own Entrepreneurial Journal:

  1. Dedicate a journal to your business; let this be a book or document that you intentionally use to note business-related reflections. Keep your business journal in the area that you work, with a writing tool nearby for easy access.
  1. Leave a few blank pages at the end and write “Idea Parking Lot” at the top – this will be where you can write any ideas that come to mind for your business at any moment (not just when you are journaling) – you never know when these ideas may come in handy in the future 
  1. On the first few pages, start by reflecting on the bigger questions:
  • Why did I start this business?
  • Who is my business serving?
  • What are my long term and short-term goals?
  • What does success look like to me?
  • How do I feel about my business today?

Take your time when responding to these prompts; they will serve as an important checkpoint for your journey.

Don’t forget to write the date at the top of the page before you begin.  
  1. Decide how often you will use this journal: daily, weekly, spur of the moment – this is your writing process, so choose what works for you (generally the more you are able to write, the more benefits you will see).

Since this journal is meant to capture your entrepreneurial journey, it is best to use focused prompts rather than freeform journaling – which is helpful for personal reflection and release.

Here are a few ideas for prompts each time you sit down to write (you can choose one or multiple):

  • What is something that I am proud of myself for/celebrating today?
  • What is something new that I learned in my business?
  • What challenge am I currently facing, what is it trying to teach me?
  • What am I grateful for today?

You can also note if there is anything personal happening in your life that is impacting your business, your overall mood, etc.

  1. Go back and read your entries from time to time, appreciate how far you have come and don’t forget to check your idea parking lot anytime you are in need of inspiration.

Allow this journal to become a safe space where you can be honest with yourself, express your dreams and desires, and celebrate your incredible journey as an entrepreneur. 

create an entrepreneurial journalDanielle D’Souza Balsez is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women manage stress and anxiety so they can have more peaceful and balanced lives. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched The Calm Corner a Facebook community for women to learn tips and tools to release stress and connect with other women on the same journey. You can find out more about Danielle and her current offerings by visiting her website   


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