One of the best things that small business owners and entrepreneurs have going for them is an advantage when it comes to building customer rapport and reaching people at a more personal level.

Large corporations are continuously striving to make that connection with their target audiences, but most will never be able to do it – it’s just not possible at that scale.So, I always like to encourage the small business owners that I work with to never, ever take for granted the opportunity to nurture each and every of their customer relationships developed.

Here are some of my tried and true methods for Creating and Keep those Customer Relationships


  1. Communicate.

Whether you are marketing to a new audience on social media, sending out an email blast to your existing customer base, or calling up a loyal buyer just to say hi, staying engaged with the people in your network is key to building lasting customer relationships.

A few tips on this…

  • If you only reach out when it’s time for your customer to place a replenishment order, you’re probably coming off as too sales-y.
  • Be a connector – when you meet someone new, write down a couple of interesting facts about them (new to town or, owns a great bakery). Then, whenever you have the chance, connect them with others who can potentially help.
  • Find out what their needs are and what they are looking for. Then, show them that you have a solution to their problem.


  1. Exceed Expectations.

Your customers expect great products and/or services from you. Continue to raise the bar on what you have to offer.

To put it simply, it is always better to under promise and over deliver than it is to do the opposite. Set reasonable expectations and then blow them away with your commitment to their satisfaction and with your attention to detail.


  1. Ask For Feedback.

Whether your customers have a good or a bad opinion about your business, they will usually make their feelings known. Invite customer feedback to show you are listening and that you care.

After all, how can you continue to improve the services that you offer if you don’t know how they are being experienced? The more you understand what customers are looking for, and the more your offerings meet their needs, the more your business will develop and grow.


  1. Connect.

Modern technology (for all that it makes us shake our heads in frustration some days!) really does allow for more opportunities to start new conversations than ever before.

Take advantage of polls on facebook and instagram, ask a question at the end of a social media post, and engage in groups. Encourage discussion about a variety of topics (books, food, TV shows, vacation spots, etc) and find commonalities with others.

And, don’t get perpetually stuck behind a screen. Networking groups, volunteer organizations, and even the gym are great places to connect with more people.


  1. Show Appreciation.

Everyone loves to feel appreciated. It’s a universal thing.

Take the time to send a hand written thank you note to a new customer, offer a loyalty rewards program (everyone also loves a discount!), and consider a referral program as well. Let your customers know that if they are happy with the service you provide (and they mention it to a friend who then becomes your customer), you will send them a gift or a coupon as a token of your gratitude.

There you have it. These methods of customer retention have worked for me and for my clients for many years.

Regardless of how automated the world becomes, nothing will ever replace the importance of genuine customer relationships. Everyone is looking to connect, to feel like their needs are being understood and met, and to feel valued and appreciated.


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