I’m going to be direct with you on this one, the short answer is – yes – you can definitely hire someone to write your book. More and more authors are leaning on ghostwriters to get their manuscripts finished in record time.

But take a moment to consider whether you want someone to write your book or someone to support you in the writing process – which are two very different things. 

If you have a demand for your writing, tight timelines, some general ideas for your book, and don’t feel you can express your ideas well in a written format, you may look to hire a ghostwriter to write your book. Given the large scope of work for a ghostwriter, this option will can you upwards of $20,000 for a finished manuscript. 

If you have some writing skills, time on your hands, a ton of ideas mapped out, feel like you’ve hit a roadblock with your writing, and are unsure of what your next steps should be, what you likely need is some book writing support. In this case, a book coach can help you complete your manuscript, and depending on how much support you need, will likely cost less than a ghostwriter.  

So yes, you CAN Hire Someone to Write your Book!


Finding the right ghostwriter or book coach to support you is also not an easy task. There is no verified platform for this (yet!), so you will have to search social media, use Google, or leverage your networks to find a few options. 

Then comes the most important part, finding the ghostwriter or book coach that is the best fit for you. Before hiring someone to support your writing process, you should ask as many questions as needed to gather enough information to make your decision:

  • Read their published work or ask for previous writing samples – this is the best way to get a sense of their writing style and quality
  • Interview them – Nothing beats face-to-face time to understand what it would be like to work with someone
  • Understand their current workload – can they meet your deadlines? When can they start? Do they seem to have too many clients at the moment?
  • Ask for references – this gives you a sense of their past clientele and may also give insight into how satisfied past customers were with the writer’s work
  • Ask about price – once the writer has a sense of the support that you need, it will be important for you to understand what they will charge and how this aligns with your budget. Will payment be a lump sum, fixed fee, or hourly? Will there be a retainer?

There are some writers that offer both ghostwriting and book coaching services, this can be a great option if you are unsure how you would like to be supported. 

Writing a book is a big deal, so make sure you are utilizing your skills efficiently and getting exactly the support you need. This is the best way to ensure you are satisfied with both your book-writing process and the final work!

P.S. I am one of those ghostwriter plus book coach people, so if you want to learn more about the ways I can support you, book a coffee chat and let’s connect. 


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