Whether you are an avid reader or someone who gets your news and updates from social media, you have likely read content written by a ghostwriter. 

A ghostwriter is a professional writer who interprets and translates a set of ideas or experiences, on behalf of someone else, into written format. The “ghost” part of their writing is attributed to the fact that much of their work is done behind the scenes.

The ghostwriter is there to provide their writing expertise only; hence their name does not appear on the final published work or anywhere else. 

[personal note: as a social worker previously, a field where we receive little to no credit, the parallels with being a ghostwriter are pretty significant. My only goal with clients is to help them use their voice to make an impact.]

But .. How can a Ghostwriter ‘be’ Someone Else?

Seasoned ghostwriters will organize and convey ideas or experiences while conserving the author’s voice and the integrity of their story – so that as a reader, you do not realize it was someone else who put pen to paper.

Using a ghostwriter does not mislead readers but allows them to have a more enjoyable reading experience. We all have stories worthy of being shared, but not everyone is gifted the ability to write engaging and entertainingly. 

Once upon a time, the idea of being a ghostwriter, or using one, was taboo. Still, it has become increasingly acknowledged that ghostwriters provide an essential service to both authors and readers.

Madeleine Morel, a literary agent, estimates that at least 60% of current non-fiction best sellers were not written by the authors whose names adorn the covers but rather by a silent accomplice – a ghostwriter. 

While many people associate ghostwriters with books (fiction, non-fiction, and autobiographies), their reach expands much further than that.

Ghostwriters can also help with other content formats, including blogs, social media content, presentations, speeches, courses, and more. If thoughts and ideas can express something in a written form, a ghostwriter can be of assistance. 



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what does a ghostwriter do?
Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.comNeed help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here

Catherine Nikkel is a content creator, ghostwriter and the founder of Mindful Media. She specializes in helping CEOs, entrepreneurs and influencers create copy that engages and converts. Her work has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Yahoo!, Authority Magazine, FemFounder and more.


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