The occupation “writer” seems very elusive and romantic, and often ensues visions of writing in your pyjamas in remote places. And while those of us who are writers know that’s often not the case, there are a few telltale signs of those who are meant to be writer.

Whether you’re currently one, aspiring to be one, or feel like you’re on the fence deciding whether to take the leap, here are …

8 Signs that you’re Meant to be a Writer

1. You Love Reading

A love of writing often starts with reading (but not always, and I respect that). Those that love to read understand the complexities of writing, how to carefully craft sentences and conjure up feelings, and present it in a way that is engaging and interesting to the reader.

In fact, most people who love to read are naturally good writers, because they’ve spent so much time consuming their craft.

2. You Prefer to Write Down Feelings Over Sharing Them Aloud

Whether it’s sharing your feelings with a friend in a birthday card, writing a confrontational email to your co-worker, or journalling your feelings every morning, those who love to write feel much more comfortable jotting their feelings down rather than sharing them aloud.

Talking? Not for you. Instead, you find that you can much more confidently share your thoughts and feelings in the written word, and face-to-face communication is much more difficult.

3. You Can Easily Decipher Good vs. Bad Writing

Another sign that you’re meant to be a writer is if you find yourself always judging other’s written works. It could be a press release, social media post, or blog, but no matter what, you find yourself drawn to quality writing and are turned off by poorly written, error-filled content.

And, I don’t want to confuse a formal or informal style of a writer — we’re talking about common spelling errors, run on sentences and paragraphs and all out hard to follow type of ‘bad’ writing.

4. You Love Bookstores

This may seem obvious, but if your ideal afternoon is spending hours roaming around a bookstore, that could be a telltale sign that you’re meant to be a writer. I can tell you that I have spent a ridiculous amount of hours inside bookstores for a couple reasons; I love the way they make me feel (smells, flipping pages, wondering the aisles, etc.) but they have also been an incredible cure for writers’ block

At one point or another (or multiple points) we get stuck on what to write about — just browsing hundreds if not thousands of ideas in bookstores can often arouse the best ideas.

5. You Always Have Writing on Your Mind

No matter where you are, you’re always collecting little pieces of your life and thinking about how you could turn it into some type of written content. No life experience is a waste, because you can turn even the worst of days into something to write about. And, let’s be real … THIS is the type of content most people relate best to!

6. Writing Relaxes You

There’s something about getting words down on a page that feels very calming and therapeutic. Some would find this painstaking, like being back in school, but not you. No matter if you’re feeling happy, anxious, depressed, or sad, it feels like a release to sit down and put pen to paper.

7. You Love Stories

There is something so enchanting about a story that transports you to a different time or place, and you find a thrill in getting lost within a story. Fiction has never been a big love of mine but throw me an autobiography, a great personal social media post or listening to someone retell an experience or memory — GOLDEN!

8. Writing Causes You to Lose Track of Time

Do you ever sit down to write and completely lose track of time, causing what feels like minutes to go by when it’s actually hours?

If you find yourself losing track of time when you write, this is an awesome sign that you’re meant to be a writer.

So let me ask you this … are you a writer? An aspiring one? Ready to make it happen?


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