Value found in social media content can be defined as anything that informs, educates, answers a question, solves a problem, or entertains.

This means that the reader or viewer of the content is receiving something from the creator of the content. It’s almost always free and it’s one of the most essential tools that entrepreneurs can use to get noticed and become relevant in today’s competitive world.

Wondering what, when, where, and how to share your “value added” content with your audience?

Here are just a few…

  • Blog posts that share your personal insights, data, or unique perspective
  • A webinar that is technique based
  • Newsletters that curate or organize data and information (to save your audience time and trouble)
  • Videos that are short and sweet and that share tips, tricks, or techniques
  • Using “stories” on instagram and facebook to conduct surveys, polls, and to communicate your point of view

Honestly, I could go on – there is no shortage of channels to get your message across – the important thing is to KNOW your message (what are you trying to say?), understand WHO you are saying it to (who is your target audience?), and WHY you are saying it (is it relevant?).

Let’s Break the Social Media Content down a bit … 

What are you trying to say?

This part takes some planning and potentially some trial and error to get it right. When I’m working with new clients, one of the first questions I ask them is, “what is your message – i.e. what are you hoping to share/teach/tell your audience?” To keep your voice and your brand consistent, it’s important to narrow your focus to between 3 and 5 topics/subjects of interest. More than that, and it can get confusing for people following you; less than that, and others can assume that your business is your only interest.

For example, one of my clients focuses their content around these topics:

  1. Love of family (stories and photos of children and pets)
  2. Healthy lifestyle (perspectives on eating well, exercise, and self-care)
  3. Travel (time and financial freedom, places of interest, travel photography)

By keeping the majority of my client’s content focused around the topics listed above, we are able to consistently add value because the content is interesting, informative, interactive, and intentional.

Who is your Target Audience?

Identifying your target audience (i.e. ideal customer or business partner) is one of the most important steps a new business owner can take. Don’t be afraid to narrow your focus and really hone in on WHO your message is meant for. Things to consider are:

  • Age and gender
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Consumer habits
  • Location
  • Problems (i.e. “pain points”)

Many, many entrepreneurs are reluctant to identify their target audience, worried that they will put people off or isolate themselves from potential business. However, it is much more effective to know and understand your ideal customer than it is to apply a “little bit of this and a little bit of that,” philosophy to your social media marketing. In fact, the more specific and focused, the better.

Is the Social Media Content you’re Producing Relevant?

Now, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that what one person finds relevant or purposeful, another could care less about. Your content won’t appeal to everyone, and that’s ok. What’s important is that it appeals to SOMEONE – and hopefully, that someone is part of your target audience.

Many people assume that it is better to target a wide audience with an even wider variety of content. However, think of this as the modern-day version of putting 1000s of flyers on car windshields. Not very effective, am I right? Most people just discard those flyers without even reading them. And what’s the point of that? Your content is only relevant, and therefore valuable, when it connects with people.

So, that’s value in a nutshell.

One of the things I’m passionate about is helping my clients identify their value and assisting them in sharing it with their ever-increasing audience. It’s like a fun social experiment – and one with promising and rewarding results.


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Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!



Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen.
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