What is a dream you have for your business? 

Where do you see yourself in five years? 

What are your goals? 

As an entrepreneur, these are likely questions you have been asked, or ask yourself on a regular basis. While goals are great on paper, they become even more powerful when you energetically invite them into your life well before they are realized. 

The concept of manifesting is rooted in the law of attraction; the idea that like attracts like. It is based on the awareness that our thoughts create our reality, so if you have a positive mindset aimed at success you will get there, and if you allow limiting beliefs to circulate, you will continue to act as the roadblock to your own growth. 

How can you Manifest a Blossoming Business Dream? 

Here is a five-step process that you can use to welcome in the business of your dreams today.

Step #1 – Get Clear

Determine what you want to call into your business (e.g., grow my Facebook group to 300 members by November 2022). Feel free to dream big here if you wish, what matters most is the details. Write down or visualize what this would look like in as much detail as possible. 

Step #2 – Surrender & Feel

Release the “how this will happen” – this is challenging, I know, but oh so important because you open yourself up to the multitude of ways your dream may manifest for you. Reflect on how you would feel if your goal was already realized (e.g., more confident that my community is growing, less stressed about finding clients). 

Step #3 – Embody that frequency 

Become an energetic match for what you want to call in. Reflect on how you would speak, act and feel if your goal was already realized and then be that. Use affirmations as a tool to boost your confidence, read books that inspire you, dress the way the future version of yourself, who has already achieved this goal, would.

Step #4 – Take action every day

Thoughts and actions work together in a powerful cycle. The more you couple your intentional thoughts of your  dream business with action towards that, the more you can allow this cycle to flow with ease. 

If your goal is to grow your Facebook group – learn and experiment with different strategies, connect with someone who has a successful Facebook group to get some tips, show up consistently for those that are in your group!

Step #5 – Trust the Timing

Trust that everything is happening in perfect timing for you and be open to your goals manifesting in a different way than you may expect; this is where the magic happens.

Continue this process for each of your goals, and be patient with the process because it can take time. With the right mindset, energetic frequency, and intentional action you will be able to call your dream business and maybe even a little bit more.

Remember, everything you need is already within. 

I will leave you with this amazing quote by Eileen Caddy. As you continue to build your business write it down and place it somewhere you go every day, you might just find it inspires you at just the right times…

“The secret of making something work in your lives is first of all, the deep desire to make it work; then the faith and belief that it can work; then to hold that clear definite vision in your consciousness and see it working out step by step, without one thought of doubt or disbelief.” – Eileen Caddy

business dreamDanielle D’Souza is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women bring more self-love into their life through movement, meditation, and mindfulness. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched Yoga and Mindfulness for Stress Release a Facebook community for women to free themselves from stress, improve self confidence and find more joy. You can find out more about Danielle and her company Yes and Yoga by visiting her website www.yesandyoga.com


Looking for guest contributor opportunities? Please email me at: catherine@catherinenikkel.com with a brief introduction to who you are and, how your topic of expertise relates to Mindful Media.


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