Whether your business is brand new, or you have been running it for some time, it is normal for fear and doubts to sneak in – often termed imposter syndrome. It may leave you wondering: Who will buy my product/service? How will my message be received? What qualifies me to offer this? Why would people choose to work with me? This is where affirmations come in …

YOU need to believe in your business more than anyone else for it to succeed. As David Cameron Gikandi says in a Happy Pocket Full of Money, “you get there in your mind first.” Anything that we see in our reality starts with a thought (e.g., getting to the moon, the invention of the computer, and even starting your business).

One of the best ways to set your mind, and business, up for continued success is affirmations.

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements written/said in the present tense. They are used to re-wire your subconscious and eventually conscious mind to improve your thought patterns and habits, which propagates into creating your reality.

Research shows that our brains are neuroplastic; we can reorganize how it functions and responds to external stimuli. When we use affirmations consistently and with intention, we begin to modify our brain; re-writing limiting beliefs and thought patterns that are not serving us. Our negative thought patterns are often embedded deep into our subconscious, planted from our childhood or other experiences throughout our lives. We may not even realise they are there, even though these thoughts have subtle impacts on our day-to-day experiences.

Affirmations give us the power to re-program our thoughts, slowly but surely.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Increased confidence in yourself and your business
  • Ability to better focus your energy on your customers
  • Motivation to do more of what you love
  • A more positive outlook on life and the future

How you Can Use Affirmations in Your Business

You can start using affirmations today to set your business up for success! Here are a few to get you started – they can be as simple or specific as you would like:

  • The world needs my energy; I have valuable things to share
  • I am confident in my skills and abilities
  • I attract my dream clients with ease
  • I am worthy of wealth, happiness, and success
  • Opportunities are abundant for me
  • I trust that I am supported in all that I do
  • I am exactly where I need to be at this moment
  • I can achieve anything I set my mind to

Over time, I recommend re-writing these in your voice and adding others that resonate with you. Then, spend a few minutes each morning or evening repeating one to three statements out loud to yourself. Commit to doing this for at least two weeks to experience the benefits.

Affirmations are a simple but powerful way to set your business up for success. I can’t wait to see how this practice helps your business expand.

About Danielle

positive affirmations for your business successDanielle D’Souza is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women bring more self-love into their life through movement, meditation, and mindfulness. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched Awaken to Self-Love a Facebook community for women on the journey to self-love. You can find out more about Danielle and her company Yes and Yoga by visiting her website www.yesandyoga.com


Looking for guest contributor opportunities? Please email me at: catherine@catherinenikkel.com with a brief introduction to who you are and, how your topic of expertise relates to Mindful Media.


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