As an entrepreneur, do you find you are always one step ahead of yourself? You may have a successful launch, attract new clients on a regular basis, or be in the process of writing the book you have been dreaming of authoring but are always asking yourself what’s next…

What if I told you the key to your success wasn’t in some future next step, but with you in this present moment? 

One of the best ways to attract success, and keep it, is to adopt an abundance mindset, now.

An abundance mindset is rooted in the belief that there is more than enough for everyone, even in times when resources and ideas may appear scarce. Entrepreneurs with an abundance mindset see perceived limitations as opportunities – opportunities to innovate, reshape, and remould their ideas of what is possible. They believe that there is a piece of the pie that belongs to them and don’t stop until they taste it.

Here are four ways you can start to build an abundance mindset, and attract success to your business, today:

  1. Practice Gratitude 

Be grateful for what you have – appreciate your successes, learn from your failures, and be proud of yourself for having the courage to be an entrepreneur! 

If you are a small business that is just starting up you may have a handful of clients and customers. Appreciate them! Remember that these are the first people who trusted in you and urged you to continue even during the challenging times. 

  1. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

We all have our own unique journeys. What may appear to be “easy” on the surface likely took a lot of hard work and dedication behind the scenes. Draw inspiration from others, but avoid comparing your journey to theirs. Create your own definition of success and then believe that you deserve to achieve it!

  1. Be Accepting of Feedback

Whether it’s a coach or a past customer, we have so much to learn from others. Any and all feedback can be useful in helping you to refine your business and serve more people. Be flexible. See how you can incorporate the constructive feedback of others into what you do – after all, you are here to serve your customers.

  1. Reframe your thinking

Be aware of any negative thought patterns and see if you can find ways to reframe them. For instance, if a competitor launches a new product or service that is similar to what you had been planning, rather than saying to yourself:

“Wow, what they are offering is so much better than what I am planning,” 

See if you can reframe your thinking to reflect ideas such as:

“I’m glad someone else sees this need on the market, we are going to help so many people.” 

Use their launch as an opportunity to learn from them and their customers or potentially even collaborate!

Of course, you need to plan for your business, but don’t let all your attention be on the future. The best way to attract success and maintain it in your business is to be here now, appreciate all you have, and trust that there is a piece of the pie waiting for you.

You may have a successful launch, attract new clients on a regular basis, or be in the process of writing the book you have been dreaming of authoringDanielle D’Souza Balsez is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women manage stress and anxiety so they can have more peaceful and balanced lives. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched The Calm Corner a Facebook community for women to learn tips and tools to release stress and connect with other women on the same journey. You can find out more about Danielle and her current offerings by visiting her website   


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