As today’s online world continues to become more saturated with content than ever before, it’s important to create content that stands out from the pack aka meaningful content. Truth be told, there is so much poorly written junk out there that can sometimes make it harder to find quality content.

Nowadays, all brands — whether they sell apparel, food, or digital goods — are expected to create content.

Content comes in many forms, but since the world of content has become so saturated, it’s important to curate and create pieces that are unique and meaningful at the end of the day. I’m sure you’ve come across poor quality content in the past. Maybe it was poorly written filled with grammatical errors, or maybe the tone and messaging didn’t mach the brand. No matter what it is, you want to make sure that you steer clear of creating content that doesn’t have a clear purpose and vision.

Coming up with ideas for content creation reveals a fine line, because you want to produce consistent content but not in such a way that it seems forced and disingenuous. Your content should be strategic and serve a purpose. 

Here are 5 ways you can create more meaningful content:


1. Ask Your Audience

The best way to create content that resonates with your audience? Ask them!

Look at your audience and pick out the people who engage with your content the most as well as figure out what type of content is most engaged with. Once you have an idea of the content themes that resonate, you can create other pieces along the same lines. 

Another way to tap into your audience is to evaluate what they care about most. What are their biggest concerns? Values? What are their biggest challenges or issues that they face? If you can tailor your content towards tackling and answering these issues, in turn you’ll create content that is inherently meaningful to your audience.

2. Check Out the Competition

It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on your competitors to help inform the content you create. While you should never copy (imitation is boring), it can often provide a more wholistic picture of your industry and the types of content that your audience loves. 

There are two ways you can do this:

Look for Content Gaps

Are there topics or themes your competitors are missing? If you can identify the gaps in content, it can give you a unique advantage to create content that resonates.

Skyscraper Technique

This method involves taking in what your competitors are talking about and building on it, like a skyscraper. What can you do to make content that is better than everyone else’s?

3. Make it Attractive 

Another great way to create sticky content is to make it attractive when it comes to your layout and design. You want to make your content digestible, easy to read, and also “fun” to read. You can make it fun by adding imagery, videos, infographics, or other digital design elements that make it more enjoyable and less like homework. 

Also, with more and more users reading things from their mobile devices, you want to make sure that your content is mobile-friendly. 

4. Repurpose Top Content 

At the end of the day, there is only so much “original” content and there is nothing wrong with repurposing your old stuff that performed really well.

Compile a list of your top-performing pieces and build on those — or give it a re-write! Are there things you know now that you could add to give your content a fresh look?

5. Choose an Angle

When creating meaningful content, you want your piece to have a purpose. For example, you can choose angles such as:

  • Evoking emotion
  • Utilizing facts and statistics
  • Solving a problem
  • Being funny or sarcastic

While the definition of “meaningful” will undoubtedly vary from person to person, if you invest in your audience, over time you’ll figure out what angle moves them best — whether that’s emotional, heartfelt content or straight up statistics and facts. 

At the end of the day, meaningful content is one that has a relevant or useful purpose for your audience. If you need more content ideas, be sure to grab my year long Content Kit suitable for all niches! Learn more here.


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Meaningful Content



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