It is important to build your brand and business, outside of social media. Why you may ask? Well, I will do my best to answer that question for you as well as give you the tools you need to do so.

Everyone is building on social media. It works, it’s proven, and you should definitely keep doing it.

My recommendation to go outside of social media however, is to expand your reach and get more people looking at and talking about you and your brand. It also allows you edify your brand and expand in your field – so many benefits. Your next question might be “Okay, but how?”


Let’s start with Reddit. It is an incredible platform with a variety of topics. It is a bit overwhelming at first with so many topics and subtopics. Spend some time exploring to get familiar with the platform. I have personally had incredible opportunities because of Reddit, and I want you to as well. I have been interviewed on other people’s blogs, I’ve had podcast and webinar invitations all because of Reddit. So, get on there and start sharing your content. You can thank me later 😉


The second platform that I want to talk about is Medium. This platform would be well-suited to you if you prefer to write longer posts or you like to blog a little bit. Medium is a totally free platform with a ton of engagement. It’s a great place to post longer-style articles (500-700 words) and show people what you are capable of. Don’t forget to link back to your social media. All your hard work and dedication on your social media will not be lost, but you will have more people looking at it.

LinkedIn Publishing

Most people don’t even realize that it exists, but it is another great platform for longer-style articles. If you have a LinkedIn account, there’s an option to post an article. This will open up another page and give you an opportunity to write an article as long as you want. If you don’t have LinkedIn, get it now! The best part about LinkedIn Publishing is that it ranks really well on Google. Make sure that you have a strong title, subtitles, and bullet points. You will receive a lot of traffic from Google, Bing, and of course, LinkedIn itself.


This platform is more of a question and answer type platform. It is extremely powerful and allows you to target a specific audience. How it works is you type in a topic and endless questions will pop-up for you to answer. It is best to type in topics or keywords on things that you are great at. People are out there looking for your answer. I encourage my own clients and community to spend at least an hour a week just answering questions in Quora. The best part is that you can link it back to your social media, blog, or videos to assist you in answering questions. Use Quora to your advantage to answer questions from your niche and your ideal customers.

In addition to these four platforms, this checklist gives you the tools you need to conquer self-doubt and start landing the publicity opportunities you’re dreaming about. Download The Impacting Millions® Publicity Checklist: 7 Must-Haves to Get Featured on Top Podcasts, Websites, TV and More



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