Everywhere you look or listen, stories are being told – social media, podcasts, and even Youtube! There is a good reason – impactful stories are the number one way to engage your audience and build a connection with them

Today I’m going to share three storytelling trends for Youtube. 

These will be helpful for you if you are looking to start a Youtube channel or would like some strategies to grow your following or expand your reach. 

Many of these tips can also be applied to video storytelling more generally, which we will see more and more of in future years.

Trend #1: Share the “Why” behind the “How to”

Tutorials are among the most watched content on Youtube; whether you realize it or not, there is always a compelling story behind them. Every great “how to” video stemmed from a problem or a quirky story of stumbling upon something useful (think Einstein in the bathtub, Newton under an apple tree).

For example: Instead of just showing your audience how to make their at-home cleaning solution, share your story along with the tutorial by talking about all the other store-bought solutions you used and any issues you may have faced (e.g., allergies) before you switched to making your own and how that has impacted your life. 

Trend #2: Create a Docuseries

If you have a story to tell, one of the best ways to build suspense and hook your audience is to say it in multiple parts. 

We all know how it feels to watch an episode of a show with a great cliffhanger – it leaves us eagerly waiting all week (or year) to see what happens next. In addition, audiences like to connect to the main character in the story, which in this case, is likely you, so make sure to share your unique qualities through your stories.

Trend #3: Develop Viewer-Guided Content

As with other forms of social media, Youtube has leaned into the trend of the polls. Users can poll their viewers to see what content they are looking for. 

You likely have lots of stories. The best way to ensure that your content is relevant to your audience, not just trendy, is to ask them what they want and deliver. 

P.S. This is why it’s great to have a content bank of ideas ready to go!


Here are a few additional tips to tell impactful stories in your Youtube videos:

  • Be descriptive – engage with your user’s senses (sight, smell, sound, touch) and let them be immersed in your story on multiple levels
  • Be vulnerable – being on camera isn’t easy for everyone; lean into this discomfort knowing that you are sharing from the heart; the more you tell authentic stories with emotional impact, the more people will lean in to listen and learn from you
  • Avoid being too informational – you are not Google; people want to hear your unique take in your words; speak to your audience like you are sitting in a coffee shop with your best friend

If you want more support to tell your stories, book a coffee chat with me and let’s discuss how you can infuse storytelling into your work. 

Use your voice, make an impact.

Catherine x

ghostwriter, storyteller, a good story, hire a book coach, book writing coach, storytelling trends for YouTube
Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com


What type of Content Creator are you? Take the Quiz! – 4 different types of creators, which one are you?

Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story
Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!


Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here


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