Let’s talk about top storytelling trends.

In today’s day and age, effective marketing goes beyond selling a product or service to your customers. Instead, it’s all about how you’re able to capture your audience and keep them engaged so that you can build loyalty and trust. 

I’ve said (a lot) that storytelling is one of the most effective marketing strategies. Not only is it better at showing people what you and your brand are all about, but it’s inherently more “real,” a standpoint that most consumers are dying for in 2022.

However, some stories are more powerful than others, so you must implement the best ones to succeed. Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of the top storytelling trends for 2022. 

Here are my Top Four Storytelling Trends to Consider:

1. Listen to Your Consumer

This may sound counter-intuitive to “telling,” but some of the most powerful stories in marketing can come from listening to your consumer to understand their real concerns and the issues that matter most. 

In this case, it’s not what you say but how you listen and lean in. There’s a lot to learn from your brand’s community, and you can create stories from that viewpoint by understanding their top issues. So many brands are telling their story repeatedly, which can feel like a non-stop sales pitch. Instead, find stories that are about something relatable to everyone.

2. Co-Create

The old saying goes, “It takes a village,” which couldn’t be more accurate in this sense. There is always more to discover, and you can learn lots from peers in your industry or space that maybe you haven’t previously thought of or considered.

Reach out to fellow bloggers, podcasters, or influencers in your space and collaborate. Not only will it help you with story creation, but it will expand your reach and improve your brand’s overall value.

3. Storytelling through Video

Video has incredible staying power and seems to be the way of the future when it comes to social media, marketing, and all things digital. People love consuming video, and for a good reason, too — studies have shown that it improves information retention and engages more people for an extended time.

The good news is that your videos don’t need to be expertly produced and crafted; behind-the-scenes “raw” content is a great way to give an inside look at you and your brand. Use video to tell your stories as much as possible because it connects with people in a way that text and photos can’t quite do. 

4. Data-Driven Storytelling

Where possible, use data to inform your storytelling. Don’t just guess what stories people want to hear; use tools such as Google Analytics or HubSpot to tell you what type of stories and content perform best. 

This is important in storytelling because you want to lean into what works. By identifying the most impactful topics, you can create more stories around those themes. When you build a pipeline of successful storytelling content, you’ll only make a more loyal following.



Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story

Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!

Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profitablestories/

Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here


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