Whether you sell products or offer coaching services, storytelling is vital to creating an enjoyable customer experience

Just have a look at what companies like Spotify and Indigo are doing.

The customer experience starts from the moment someone becomes aware of you, your business, and your brand. From the beginning, you want to share stories that resonate with your audience and reflect your mission and values so that people are clear about what you do!

This continues as the customer gets to know you and learns what they can expect from your products and services until they decide to purchase.

Did you know that 90% of purchasing decisions are made subconsciously?

Our subconscious makes decisions quickly based on our past experiences and preferences. Essentially, we buy based on how something makes us feel. 

Storytelling is the best way to get your customers to feel connected to you and your brand. A good story connects us to our emotions, triggers the subconscious, and compels us to take action. 

So how can you incorporate more storytelling into your business and enhance the experience that customers have with your brand?

4 Ways to Enhance your Customer Experience

Share your founder’s story 

Let people know who you are and why you do what you do. 

If you want more tips for crafting your founder’s story, I wrote a post about it here

Be Authentic 

Let your words and your visuals reflect who you are.

Is there a phrase or colour you love? Feel free to share it with your audience; include it in your branding and tell people why this lights you up.

Remember, the goal is not to please everyone but to attract ideal clients.  

Use stories to share your products and services

Rather than just telling people what you offer, tell them about the transformation they can expect to experience or what drove you to create these products/services. 

For example, when I share my Mindful Media Content Kit, I ask people to imagine having total peace of mind and clarity, a year full of content ideas and more time for family, friends and special projects.  

This is way more effective than just telling people what the kit includes. It puts them in the driver’s seat of what their journey could look like.

Share testimonials/reviews

Let your customers share their experiences; this is the best way for people to see the benefits of your products/services through someone else’s eyes. 

Better yet, talk about the relationship you developed with your client as you worked together; let people see the story from both the POV of the customer and the business.

In 2023, storytelling is a necessary part of the customer experience. So if you want your business and brand to thrive, tell stories today!


Want to tell meaningful stories that help build your business? Then, check out the Simple Story Setup Mini course.

Use your Voice, Make an Impact.

Catherine x

ghostwriter, hire a book coach, book writing coach, customer experience
Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com 


What type of Content Creator are you? Take the Quiz! – 4 different types of creators, which one are you?

Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story
Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!


Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here


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