If you’re an aspiring writer, your journey toward publishing that first novel may seem challenging and confusing. With so many intricacies in the writing process and the publishing industry, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Enter the novel writing coach, a seasoned professional who can guide, inspire, and polish your writing skills, setting you on the right path to literary success. This article provides an in-depth look at how a writing coach can support and streamline your novel writing journey, allowing you to weave the narrative you’ve always dreamed of.

Understanding the Role of a Novel Writing Coach

novel writing coach or a better writer, a book writing coach, as some prefer to call it, is much more than a mentor. They offer tailored guidance, constructive feedback, and practical solutions to new writers’ challenges, enhancing both your writing and your understanding of the literary world.

Writing coaches come from various backgrounds; they might be published authors themselves, experienced editors, or professionals from the publishing industry. Their extensive experience and proven track record of helping others make them indispensable for aspiring writers or anyone looking to hone their writing craft.

For example, my 15 year career in social work prior to ghostwriting and book coaching, provides my clients with a much different perspective and an ideal one for the non-fiction, biography and memoir space.

What Does a Writing Coach Do?

At its core, the work of a well-written writing coach revolves around helping you develop your story and polish your prose, whether that’s in the realm of creative writing, professional writing, or crafting short stories. A great writing coach will push your writing boundaries, enrich your creative process, and assist in sculpting your distinct writing style.

However, their responsibilities extend far beyond the writing process and copy editing. They offer assistance in understanding the publishing industry, from the book publishing process to dealing with literary agents. They also guide building relationships within the writing community, promoting your work, and navigating the path to a book deal.

The Benefits of Working with a Writing Coach

Working with a book writing coach can unlock numerous benefits that aid your writing journey. Here are a few key ways these professionals can assist:

  1. Improved Writing Skills: Writing coaches work to improve your grammar, structure, and overall writing proficiency. They offer fresh ideas to ignite your creativity and challenge you to push the boundaries of your own work.
  2. Structural Guidance: A writing coach supports your book writing process, helping you plan your narrative, develop compelling characters, and create engaging plot twists.
  3. Industry Insights: As insiders in the publishing industry, writing coaches can share invaluable knowledge about the market, trends, and how to pitch your work to publishers or literary agents.
  4. Accountability: Setting and meeting writing goals can be challenging, especially for new writers. A good writing coach offers accountability, sets targets, and provides ongoing support to ensure you meet them.
  5. Emotional Support: The writing journey can be daunting and sometimes lonely. Having a coach by your side can offer emotional support, cheering you on and reminding you of your potential when the path becomes challenging.

How to Find the Right Writing Coach

Finding the right novel writing coach can make all the difference in your writing journey. But how do you find a good writing coach or even a great book writing coach anyway? Here are a few things to consider:

Experience and Track Record: Look for coaches with extensive experience in novel writing and a proven track record of both published books and helping other writers. They should be able to offer a structured program, developmental editing, and writing coaching that suits your needs.

Genre Expertise: If you’re writing science fiction, magical realism, or children’s books, you want a coach experienced in your genre. This is where specialized book coaches like science fiction editors or children’s book coaches come in.

Connection: A good coach is someone you can connect with on a personal level. This relationship is vital as you’ll be working together closely on your work, and their feedback can significantly impact your writing.

Client Testimonials: Look at what previous clients have said about their coaching sessions with potential coaches. This can give potential coaches an idea of their coaching style and effectiveness.

Budget: Coaches can vary significantly in price, and finding a writing coach that fits your budget is essential. Remember, the most expensive coach is not always the best fit for everyone.

The Coaching Process

While the specifics may vary from coach to coach, a typical coaching process includes an initial assessment, goal setting, regular check-ins, and final evaluations.

The first session with your novel writing coach often discusses your writing journey, aspirations, and challenges. The same writing coach works with may ask for a writing sample or an outline of your novel manuscript. This allows them to gauge your writing skills and understand your writing style.

Then, with a story coach, you’ll set realistic writing goals for your journey. This could be completing the first draft of your novel, revising your work, or preparing a pitch for literary agents. The coach will provide a roadmap, offering tasks and exercises tailored to your needs.

Regular check-ins or coaching sessions are an opportunity to discuss progress, address writing challenges, and adjust goals if needed. These sessions can take many forms, from private writing sessions to group coaching, depending on what suits your needs best.

Finally, the coach will evaluate your progress against the goals set at the beginning of the writing course. This is a chance to reflect on your growth, celebrate achievements, and discuss the next steps on your writing journey.


novel writing coach can be a transformative asset on your journey toward becoming a published author. Their expert guidance, support, and industry insights can help you navigate the complex world of writing and publishing, offering the tools to craft your masterpiece. With the right coach by your side, your novel writing self-publishing journey could be a story worth telling in its own right.

Whether starting from scratch or having a completed first draft, a novel writing coach can help you refine your craft, develop your voice, and guide you through the publishing industry. Remember, every great author starts somewhere, and with the support of an effective writing coach, your writing dreams are within reach. So start writing, keep learning, and remember to enjoy the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a writing coach cost?

The cost of a writing coach can vary greatly, depending on their experience, the services they offer, and the duration of the coaching session. Some coaches charge per hour, ranging from $50 to $500, while others provide package deals for extended coaching periods. However, finding a coach who fits your budget and meets your needs is crucial.

What does a book writing coach do?

A book writing coach guides you through the writing process, helping you develop and structure your story, refine your writing style, and improve your writing skills. They provide constructive feedback, assist with plot and character development, and offer accountability for your writing goals. A book writing coach also offers guidance on the publishing industry, including insights on marketing your book and approaching literary agents or publishers.

Are writing coaches worth it?

Investing in a writing coach can be a transformative decision for your writing journey. Writing coaches provide personalized feedback, helping to improve your writing skills and storytelling abilities. They offer accountability, motivation, and industry insights that can significantly streamline the path to publishing your book. However, the value of a writing coach depends on your specific needs, writing goals, and the quality of the coach. It’s important to do your research and find a coach who aligns with your aspirations and expectations.

Use your Voice, Make an Impact.

Catherine x

Catherine Nikkel Ghostwriter, text structures, writing workshops, novel writing coach

Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com



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