Content, content, content — it seems to be the number one thing on everyone’s mind these days! The problem is that it can be exhausting to come up with new and unique content ideas daily. This can be especially tricky for network marketers because you want your content to be personal but also professional and on-brand.

But wait, what’s network marketing?

Simply put, network marketing leverages an individual’s network (friends, colleagues, family, and all other followers) to sell a product or service. You use your social network to expand your business if you’re a network marketer.

Network marketing has become extremely popular in recent years because many people want to be an entrepreneur. Often, network marketing — no matter what you’re selling — means that you can create your hours and work around a schedule that works for you.

I have been so privileged to work with some of the most successful network marketers around the world. And I have found they all possess this incredible drive to better the lives of people around them.

I have BIG love for the industry — working with and around some pretty amazing humans.

Let’s get to the good stuff.

Content ideas for network marketers

Now, back to content! If you’re a network marketer, here are a bunch of great content ideas broken down into three categories.


  1. Introduce yourself (good to do regularly as you accumulate new followers)
  2. How you got into the business
  3. A behind-the-scenes look at a day in your life
  4. Sharing personal stories
  5. Sharing hobbies
  6. Your self-care routines
  7. X product you can’t live without
  8. Sharing daily habits
  9. Sharing your core values
  10. Advice to your younger self
  11. Book recommendations
  12. Current favourite TV show/movie/podcast
  13. Travel bucket list
  14. Travel diary/recommendations for travelling
  15. Share daily inspiration
  16. Sharing quotes that keep you motivated 


  1. Tutorials
  2. Tips and tricks
  3. “How to _____”
  4. “What to do if _____.”
  5. 5 fun facts about _____
  6. Product testimonial
  7. Tips about running your business
  8. How you stay organized
  9. A day/month/year in review
  10. Sharing your most valued resources (books, podcasts, apps, etc.)
  11. Solving a problem
  12. Answering FAQs
  13. Create an infographic
  14. “What do you do when things don’t go as planned.”


  1. Polls/Quizzes
  2. #AskMeAnything post
  3. Creating promotions/incentives
  4. Shoutouts to followers or other brands
  5. Featuring new team members
  6. Create a friendly competition/contest
  7. “Caption this” posts
  8. Ask for help or advice
  9. Get followers to “fill in the blanks.”
  10. Offer a giveaway
  11. Create a signature hashtag
  12. X or Y? Friendly debate
  13. Create special days (#ThrowbackThursday, #MotivationMonday, etc.)
  14. Go live on social media

We’re all in this together! Hopefully, these ideas help spark your creative spirits! In case you want even more support in this area, check out the Content Kit for Social Sellers HERE



What type of Content Creator are you? Take the Quiz! – 4 different types of creators, which one are you?

Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story
Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!
network marketers

Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here

Catherine Nikkel is a content creator, ghostwriter and the founder of Mindful Media. She specializes in helping CEOs, entrepreneurs and influencers create copy that engages and converts. Her work has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Yahoo!, Authority Magazine, FemFounder and more.


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