Energy of moon cycles: How do you manage your time and energy? Are you an entrepreneur that consistently works long hours despite that inner nudge to stop and take a break? Unfortunately, as human beings we were not meant to sustain long periods of stress. Chances are, if you continue to overwork yourself, you will burn out, and that’s not ideal for you or your business. 

Of course, building a business takes hard work and there are some days that you may need to put in more time and effort than others – deadlines, launches, etc. But rather than simply putting in all your effort until you burn out, what if there was a system to help you optimize your use of energy – encouraging you to build in adequate time for hard work AND rest?

Introducing… moon cycles. 

Planning around the moon is not a new concept, in fact many farmers have been planting seeds and harvesting with the moon for centuries. The moon goes through distinct cycles each month – moving from new (practically invisible in the sky), to full approximately every 28 days, and it’s the perfect way to honour your own rhythms and cycles as well. 

Here is how you can begin to tap into the energy of the moon in each of its phases in order to bring more balance to your business and optimize your use of energy: 

New Moon (Day 0-3) – INTENTION SETTING 

The new moon is the perfect time to set goals and intentions for your business. You may find it useful to use visualizations and affirmations to get more clarity around your intentions and begin to embody them. 

Waxing Moon (Day 3-13) – TAKE ACTION 

As the moon starts to move towards its full state, this is the time to take action and bring your intentions to life. Keep yourself accountable to move forward with your intentions by setting a plan and sticking to it. This is the time when you can allow yourself to be busy – create new content, work longer hours, put in some extra effort – all with intention. 

Full Moon (Day 14-17) – CELEBRATE

The full moon is when your energy and creativity are in abundance, giving you the jolt that you need to take the final steps towards achieving your goal. This is the time to celebrate your achievements, practice gratitude, and acknowledge any challenges that you have overcome in the last few weeks.   

Waning Moon (Day 18-28) –SURRENDER 

As the moon starts to wane, you too can begin to slow down. Clear the clutter – notice what in your business is not serving you or could use a refresh. Allow yourself to feel and release your emotions, especially if things didn’t work out the way you imagined. 

During the last few days before the new moon, take time to rest. Indulge in your favourite self-care activities so you can be ready to set your intentions and begin anew in the days ahead.  

Whether you choose to align to the moon cycles, or reset at the beginning of each month, I hope this article has inspired you to find balance in your business and make space for self-care and rest so that your business can thrive!

moon cyclesDanielle D’Souza Balsez is a yoga and meditation teacher focused on helping women manage stress and anxiety so they can have more peaceful and balanced lives. She is the host of Release and Restore – Guided Meditations and also recently launched The Calm Corner a Facebook community for women to learn tips and tools to release stress and connect with other women on the same journey. You can find out more about Danielle and her current offerings by visiting her website   


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