Who knew back in January of 2020 that we’d be headed into a years long work from home situation! 

Whether you’ve decided to go back into the office full-time, have adopted more of a hybrid model, or have determined you prefer working from home indefinitely, I’ve noticed lots of key takeaways from our new way of life. Long before the pandemic, I’ve been lucky enough to work from all corners of the world, so I’ve learned a thing or two along the way about how to stay productive and focused on my work — no matter my location.

The good news is, working remotely has tons of benefits — you can work from anywhere, work on your own hours, and don’t have to deal with common office distractions like an annoying co-worker or office gossip.

8 ways you can be more Productive while you Work from Home

(or anywhere other than an office for that matter):

1. Designate a Workspace

If you don’t feel like your laptop and work essentials have a “home” it can be difficult to focus and get into a productive work mindset. It can sure be tempting to work while lounging around on the couch, but you ultimately won’t be that productive. Designate a workspace that feels like your own and limits other distractions.

2. Establish a Routine

Routines are truly the secret to success in my books. When working from home, you don’t have to catch a train or be on time the same way you would as if you were going into the office. However, if you train yourself to get up at a certain time, maybe exercise, make a coffee, or take your dog for a walk before opening your computer, it can help you get ready for your work day.

3. Eliminate Social Media Distractions

I’d be willing to bet that you scroll your social media way more often at home than you would in the office. It’s way too easy to fall into the endless scrolling trap! Instead, try to set your phone aside on do not disturb so that you can get uninterrupted work time.

4. Maintain Semi-Regular Hours

If you’re prone to being a workaholic, living at your office can severely blur the lines between work life and home life. While working from home allows amazing flexibility, don’t let yourself get sucked into working 24/7. Establish your work hours so that you have a clear guideline for when to work and when to shut things down for the night.

5. Create Rules with Your Roommates

Whether you live with a spouse, children, friends, or strangers, it’s important to set ground rules with the people in your house. If you can communicate the hours you need to focus or have the background noise quiet, it can be easier for you to focus.

6. Don’t Forget to Take Breaks

Just because you’re working from the luxury of your own home doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a break! Trust me, you will be way more productive if you give your brain “off time” to reset and decompress. You’ll likely find that by taking a 10-30 minute break, you’ll come back that much more energized and focused.

7. Socialize with Colleagues

Endless mundane Zoom calls while working from home can lead to stress and feelings of overwhelm. There is something to be said for seeing your colleagues in person and getting to have a casual chat with them. If possible, reach out to your co-workers to socialize about things that aren’t related to work.

8. Create a Space You Love

One of the most important things about working from one location all the time is that you feel comfortable, relaxed, and yet focused. Where possible, try to cultivate a space that you love — whether that’s with extra plants, an additional monitor, or other decor that can elevate your mood and productivity.

In this new world, more people than ever have decided that working from home is right for them. The best part? You don’t need a hefty budget or designated office to make it work.


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Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com

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