What does it mean to make an impact? The word impact itself is a noun defined by Merriam-Webster as “the force of impression of one thing on another: a significant or major effect”. It can also be a verb which means “to have a direct effect or impact on” or “to strike forcefully”. Your impact is what gets you noticed, and it is also what gets you heard. Both of these are incredibly important for your business.

So, how does one make an impact?

Below are the top 3 ways that I’ve identified to make the most significant and meaningful impact.

Making an impact in your business is important in order to be successful as well as profitable, but it is so much more than that. You are also making an impact on the lives of other people. If you are building your business online, whether it be through social media, blogging, or any other digital marketing efforts, you know that you have to stand out. It is easy to get lost in the noise. You have to differentiate yourself from everybody else.

Your attitude is important.

Your audience can tell if you are an optimist, pessimist, or somewhere in between. This will affect how they perceive you and also if and how they listen to you. The first impression that they have of you sets the tone for everything that comes after. It matters.

You also want to think about how you treat others. How are you speaking to your audience? How are you behaving online? Are you available to your audience? Are you following through on your promises? Can people rely on you? Both attitude and how you treat others seem like common sense – because they are. However, sometimes we lose sight of these things or can benefit from a reminder. It matters.

It’s important to reflect upon what you are doing and how you are behaving when you think no one is watching. The fact of the matter is; whatever we do online, no matter how public or how private, people are watching all the time. We all know how news can spread and how quickly things can become viral – both in good and bad ways. These things are important to keep in mind when considering the impact that you want to make. It matters.

So, let’s make that impact.


  1. Keep People Informed.

Nobody wants to chase information or go digging for answers. That’s where you come into play because you can be the go-to for information or the expert in your space. It’s important to give people tangible information – something that they can take away from you. This should be something actionable that they can go and do. Something that will make change or bring results to your audience’s life or business.

It’s also important to let people know that you are a real person and that there is a voice and face behind your business. This will make your business more approachable. You may have other great resources, courses, or coaching that you can offer to them. Let your audience know how they can get in touch with you because if you are providing your audience with useful and actionable information, they will come back looking for more. That is why it is important to let your audience know where to find you and how they can get in contact with you.

  1. Go the Extra Mile.

This almost doesn’t need explaining. It is important to overdeliver. Do not shy away from this. If you want to make an impact in people’s lives or businesses, you need to exceed people’s expectations. This will help you to stand out because let’s face it, not everyone is doing this. Many people do what they need to do and nothing more. When you go above and beyond, people will remember you. They will appreciate you and they will likely refer you to other people. 

  1. Have the Confidence to Speak Up

It is essential to show people what you know and to share your expertise. You have talents that can benefit others. You have a story that people can relate to. Making these personal connections and reaching out to your audience is what is going to make the most impact. Do yourself a favor and speak up. Let your voice be heard and never doubt yourself for a second because someone, somewhere is waiting to hear your message.

If you apply these 3 practices, your impact will be inevitable. You’ve got to start somewhere and by implementing these techniques, you will open the door to a new perspective and add a new layer to your business – one that works for you and one that makes the most impact.


Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story

Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!

Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profitablestories/

Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here


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