Your content writing on social media … MATTERS.

There are many types of content — from social media to podcasts, blogs, videos, and more. We’re inundated with content more than ever! 

However, each different form requires a different style and method of writing, which is why it’s essential to develop unique expertise for each. In addition, with social media, you must deal with a constant turnaround, character limits, current trends, and more.

Here are four tips for content writing on social media:

1. Be Casual

Social media is inherently more casual than other forms of writing, so your content should reflect how we speak in real life. Don’t write in a way that sounds too elitist or formal — instead, write how you would talk to a friend. Avoid “business-speak,” lengthy sentences with jargon, or unnecessarily long words when you can say something much more succinctly in fewer words.

For example, don’t write “do not” when you can write “don’t.” Don’t use the word “ubiquitous” when you can instead say “present” on social media. Write in a way that people can easily understand!

On top of this, you want to find your brand’s unique voice. What core values, beliefs, and ideas do you want to be known for? These values should underpin all your content, and your written works should reflect that.

2. Use Graphics

While this may sound obvious, use enticing graphics and videos as much as possible to enhance your writing. As the famous saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words — and videos are worth one million!

As we move more towards video content on social media, you should focus on engaging and dynamic content. Even if your social media post doesn’t require you to post an image, you should always do one to help improve engagement. 

3. Be Personal

As I talk about time and time again, sharing personal anecdotes or stories is a great way to cultivate a larger and more loyal audience. Use terms such as “I,” “me,” “we,” and “you” as much as possible, and write as though you’re directly talking to one individual.

Sharing personal stories allows other people to connect and relate to you, which is extremely important if you want them to remain followers.

4. Forgo Perfection

Your social media posts don’t have to be perfectly edited written masterpieces — embrace the imperfection! It’s okay to use short forms, caps, hashtags, and other more casual forms of writing. 

The more raw and unedited you seem on social media, the more your followers will trust you and feel aligned with your brand.



What type of Content Creator are you? Take the Quiz! – 4 different types of creators, which one are you?

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Catherine Nikkel is a content creator, ghostwriter and the founder of Mindful Media. She specializes in helping CEOs, entrepreneurs and influencers create copy that engages and converts. Her work has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Yahoo!, Authority Magazine, FemFounder and more.


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