Friend, I hear you! Sometimes, content creation feels like being on a perpetual hamster wheel – you know what I mean? However, I’m here to share some of my tips (and trust me, as a professional content creator, these tips are TESTED and TRUE).

Feeling uninspired in your Content Creation?

(or like your creative capacity is as dry as the Sahara desert)…

  1. Look around – the internet is FULL of great content (and also, some not-so-great content). Put on your detective hat and look within your industry to see what content is getting traction (and what is not). Always remember to use what you find as inspiration only – it would be really mortifying to get called out on someone’s blog for misappropriating words.

Things to look for…

  • Posts that get lots of likes and/or comments
  • Content that shares trends, ideas, values, or interests
  • Posts that make you think or want to take action
  • Content that you’re still thinking about hours later

Keep a little notebook with you (old school, I know!), or write notes in your phone of what catches your attention. Then, when you sit down to batch create your content (more on that in a minute), you have a fresh and inspiring stack of ideas to work from.

  1. Create content in batches – this means that, instead of scrambling around at the last minute desperately looking for something to post, you ALWAYS have a collection of content handy. Block some time in your calendar (make sure you have your choice of snack or beverage in hand) and get your creative juices flowing.

Professional content creators find that it is SO much easier (and a more productive use of their time) to batch produce their content (try a week at a time to start).


Think about what’s the same and also about what’s different – and by this I mean, how are YOU the same (and how are you different) from others in:

  • Your network
  • Your industry
  • Your target audience
  • The world in general

You see, when we are trying to form new relationships with people, it’s important to find commonalities. This is how we build trust and attachments. However, in order to stand out in an increasingly competitive marketplace, it is also necessary to show the world how you are different.

What makes you, YOU? How does what you have to offer make it worthwhile to take a closer look? How can you help those in your target audience to solve a problem?

  1. Put on your adult pants (i.e. suck it up, buttercup!) – and I mean that in the most encouraging and positive way possible. Being a small business owner is full of ups and downs, pluses and minuses, and pros and cons. In order to be successful, sometimes we just have to buckle up and do the hard stuff. And that is the honest truth and that includes, content creation!

However, and this is where I segue into my last point for today…

  1. If you continue to struggle, would rather do ANYTHING other than create content, or really have zero hours left in your day, then reach out to me for a complementary call. We can see if we would be a good fit to work together – I would write your content, and you would do the other 95+ things that us small business owners must do each day.


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customer's language



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