What Makes a Good Story?

What Makes a Good Story?

We have all been exposed to stories – from the books, we read as kids to movies and theatre productions, we may have attended. I have many fond memories of the memorable characters, inciting action, and magical adventures that I was able to experience through...
How to Write a Book Outline

How to Write a Book Outline

Writing a book is an incredible experience, but I’m not going to sugarcoat the process and tell you that it’s easy or there is one way to do it. Spoiler: using a book outline should be a nonnegotiable in the process. Becoming a successful author is about...
Guide to Working with a Book Writing Coach

Guide to Working with a Book Writing Coach

Writing a book can be daunting – take it from someone who has done it 15 times! There are many critical milestones in between, from coming up with your book idea to completing your first draft. To make things more challenging, becoming a published author...
Am I Ready to Hire a Book Coach?

Am I Ready to Hire a Book Coach?

A book coach can bring so much value to your book-writing journey, no matter where you are in the process of getting your story to life.So, how do you know if you are ready to hire a book coach? Signs You are Ready to Hire a Book Coach Your readiness to hire a book...
Can I Hire Someone to Write My Book?

Can I Hire Someone to Write My Book?

I’m going to be direct with you on this one, the short answer is – yes – you can definitely hire someone to write your book. More and more authors are leaning on ghostwriters to get their manuscripts finished in record time. But take a moment to consider...
What Does it Look Like to Work with a Book Coach?

What Does it Look Like to Work with a Book Coach?

Did you know that only 3% of aspiring authors actually finish and publish their books?!  That means 97% of the incredible stories and authors out there don’t end up sharing their message with the world! Personally, as a writer and mentor, this is so disappointing!...
What Does a Book Coach Do?

What Does a Book Coach Do?

A book coach is your ultimate guide and mentor through the book-writing process and can be there to support you at all stages of your journey. Depending on their expertise and your needs, there are many ways in which book coaches offer support to aspiring authors. ...
What is a Book Coach?

What is a Book Coach?

So, you have an idea for a book but aren’t sure how to turn your idea into a working, organized, coherent manuscript? You don’t need more ideas, experiences, or expertise – what you need is a book coach! A book coach is your guide through the book-writing process....

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