I am addicted to storytelling. Well, that may be taking things just a little too far. But, I do have 20 incredible story prompts to help you share in the same obsession!

Storytelling has enormous capacity to connect us, to share what makes us human, and to help us grow. I write stories for my own business and for others’, I read stories that interest and compel me, and I’ve seen that stories – our stories – have the potential to rocket launch small businesses into the stratosphere of social media.

All that’s needed is some conviction, consistency, and creativity.

One of the most common questions my clients ask is “HOW do I know WHAT to write?”

GREAT question and one that I love to answer. So, I have created this list of STORYTELLING PROMPTS to help get you started. Use this list as a jumping off point to get your creative juices flowing and to start sharing more of the stuff that attracts viewers and visitors to your website, blog or other content.

Here we go…

20 Story Prompts To Get Your Brand Seen And Heard

  1. Recall a time that you felt connected to the community in which you live – use photos and/or video to help tell this story.
  2. Share a story about someone your products or service has helped – a quote or informal testimonial can be very powerful.
  3. Remember an occasion where a bad day turned into a good one (and how/who/what happened to turn things around).
  4. Tell of the good being done in your community – look at this as an opportunity to spotlight a local business or service (it’s just good karma!)
  5. Ask your audience a question or conduct a poll (favourite neighbourhood restaurant, best place to find vintage clothing, etc…)
  6. Share a book that you just read and say why you loved it.
  7. Take a stand on something and share your perspective – make sure it is something you care about and are prepared to contribute toward moving forward.
  8. Create and share a sequence of photos that show a progression of something (before and after, steps 1-5, beginning, middle, end, etc…)
  9. Narrate a story of someone who motivates and inspires you.
  10. Share a meaningful quote and WHY it is important to you.
  11. Recall a fun childhood memory – this is a great way for others to relate to you via a potential shared experience.
  12. Use the 5 senses (sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch) to describe an experience you recently had (trying a new food for the first time, for example).
  13. Find a photo of something that speaks to you (if it’s not yours, make sure you have permission to use it) and tell why it’s impactful.
  14. Host a themed Q and A on a topic that you know your audience is interested in, and then make sure you follow it up with a short and sweet summary of the findings.
  15. Convey the stories of people who inspire you and make sure you say why.
  16. Recall a funny/embarrassing/quirky experience you’ve had and how you handled it.
  17. At the end of a busy week/month/quarter, share a story of a lesson you’ve learned.
  18. Take your audience behind the scenes of your workday with a photo or video story.
  19. Convey a story about a missed opportunity.
  20. When in doubt, share photos and stories of puppies, babies, or delicious food!

Something I’ve found over the last several years in this industry – EVERYONE (yes, even you!) has important stories to tell. It may not feel that way to you right now, but give this exercise a chance – go through this list of 20 Story Prompts and jot down an idea or example for each one.

Remember that this is just the beginning – once you get comfortable sharing your story, you will find that the ideas start spilling out of you and the seemingly endless struggle of not knowing what to post on social media will be over.

Now, go tell your story and build your brand! Your audience is waiting.



Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story

Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!

hero of your story

Email: catherine@catherinenikkel.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profitablestories/

Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here


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