As a teenager, did you ever keep a journal? Maybe at the time it housed your deepest darkest secrets and feelings. Whether or not you realized it at the time, there is actually an immense power in articulating your feelings and being able to write them down. Personally or professionally, there are many benefits of journaling.
Nowadays, journalling is not only for teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 18 — and there are many reasons why you should consider it if you’re looking to get ahead. Journalling is a great form of self expression that can help you figure out and understand your emotions, stresses, and concerns. In fact, the simple act of observing writing on a page can help you come to terms with whatever you happen to be going through.
Here are 4 Benefits of Journaling
1. Improves Your Writing
Whether you’re a marketer, businessperson, or average Joe, knowing how to write well is an important asset no matter the field you’re in. The practice of daily writing, even if it’s in a casual tone, can help train your brain and get your juices flowing.
Simply put, journalling can help you become a better communicator, and you don’t have to be in the field of communications or public relations to make that skill a necessary asset. Every single one of us of has to communicate in our day-to-day life, and the continuous act of writing things out can help you become a better one.
2. Can Help You Outline & Achieve Your Goals
How are you ever going to achieve your goals if you don’t know what they are? It’s easy to think of the things we want to do, but if they’re not written down on paper, they can be easily forgotten and never fulfilled.
Not only is writing things down proven to help improve your memory, but it’s something you can easily reflect and look back on. By writing down your goals as well as outline how you plan to get there, you’re setting yourself up for success in the future because you’ll be able to return to it at any time to reassess and realign your life with your goals.
3. Relieves Stress
As you go through your day-to-day life, you might find yourself holding on to feelings, emotions, and stressors. Do you ever find yourself going over something again and again in your head only to work yourself right back up? I’m sure we’ve all found ourselves in that boat at least once.
While stress and anxiety is common in today’s society, it’s not something you should be actively allowing. The act of journalling is a great way to reflect on your feelings, write them out, and then let them go simultaneously in the process.
4. Serves as a Great Self-Reflection Piece
Do you ever get those notifications on Facebook that remind you exactly what you were doing 3 years ago today? Well, a journal can serve the exact same purpose. It’s like a time capsule that can remind you and tell you exactly what you were going through at any given time.
Why is that helpful? Well, if you were going through something difficult, it can show you how much you’ve grown, or serve as a reminder that you got through something tough… and could do it again! On the other hand, maybe you went through things that can serve as lessons and reminders of how to handle things you’re currently going through.
So, was this enough to convince you of the benefits of journaling?
Whether you turn to journaling to get you through a hard time, to help improve your writing and communication skills, or if you’re looking to relieve some stress, there is no going wrong with getting started on a journal!
And, if you need some help getting started, a Guided Journal is a GREAT place to start. Check out the Lightbulb Moments Journal on Amazon HERE!
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