Business storytelling is essential, especially today when there are many products, brands and services to choose from. Storytelling can help make your brand memorable to your customers now and into the future. 

Stories were meant to be shared, so when you create compelling stories about your brand and your products, you give people a reason to share what you do!

Business Storytelling Ideas you can Start Telling Today

Your Brand Story

Every brand has a story.

Think back to the big moment that resulted in you deciding to start your business. Who or what inspired you? What makes your brand unique?

Share the why behind your brand – let your audience know why you do what you do. 

For example, brands like Patagonia are known for their quality products and commitment to the environment. By sharing their brand’s story and what is important to them, they bring in and retain loyal customers who resonate with their brand ethics.

Product/Service Origin

Share the origins of your product/service with your customers. 

Was there an obstacle you overcame in your personal life? For example, was the product intended to be something else, and the use evolved based on market needs or was a customer accidentally using it the “wrong” way?

These anecdotes create memorable stories, making people more likely to remember your product or service. 

Product Stories

Take your customer on a journey with your product, and be creative.

For example – demonstrate the different ways to wear a scarf, show how your gelato makes the person eating it feel like they are in Italy, and explain how writing in your journal makes the buyer feel like they are travelling through time. 

Share Testimonials

Nothing is better than hearing directly from your customers. 

Share stories of your customers using your product or service and how it benefitted them. This is the best way to share tangible results and gives your potential customers the chance to see what a before and after could look like for them. 

As an entrepreneur, business storytelling is essential, and it can also be really fun for you as a business owner. 

Let me know which of the storytelling types most resonates with you!


What type of Content Creator are you? Take the Quiz! – 4 different types of creators, which one are you?

Join The Storytellers Café – My free training community to help you create an impact through your story
Enrol in The 5-Day Content Experience – Learn how to repurpose your content like a pro…in 5 minutes a day!
ghostwriter, storyteller, a good story, business storytelling

Need help telling your story in your own voice? Let’s make it happen. Schedule a consultation with me here

Catherine Nikkel is a content creator, ghostwriter and the founder of Mindful Media. She specializes in helping CEOs, entrepreneurs and influencers create copy that engages and converts. Her work has appeared in Forbes, Huffington Post, Yahoo!, Authority Magazine, FemFounder and more.


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