Are you looking to manifest some new goals and projects before the end of this year? Creating a vision board can help!
You may hear the term vision board and be instantly reminded of a grade school project that forced you to flip through magazines to cut and paste words and images of what you’d like your ideal future to look like. And while that may sound cheesy and outdated, in reality your grade five teacher was onto something. There is some serious power in visualization and how it relates to helping you achieve your goals.
In fact vision boards are not just for children — the likes of Oprah, Deepak Choprah, and Gabrielle Bernstein all use them to help set intentions and manifest their future.
It’s easy for you to think about the things you want to achieve — more money, a better job, to stress less — whatever it may be. But in reality, those goals are pretty elusive and don’t offer much substance or clarity in terms of how you will get there.
The act of sitting down and creating a vision board can help you assess where you’re at in your life, where you want to be, and what physical acts you need to take in order to get there. Simply put, a vision board is a live, visual representation of your goals. The best part? There are no rules, so you get to add whatever you want to it.
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How to Get Started on your Vision Board
First things first, take a moment to sit down and reflect. Where are you at now? What types of things do you want to achieve in the next two years, five years, ten years? Here are some common examples to help you get the juices flowing:
- Travel to Thailand
- Win an award of recognition (specific to a certain award)
- Move to a different province/state
- Have a child
- Save a certain amount of money
- Run a marathon
Each one of us are different, but tune into the things that motivate and inspire you. The purpose of a vision board is to bring these key motivators to life in a visual manner. Then start writing! Make a note of your different goals to help cement these ideas in your head.
Once you have your list of goals, find a board (it can be any size) and start flipping through any types of media to find your inspiration. These can be magazines, pictures, quotes, memorabilia — anything that is aligned with your goals. But remember: this is supposed to be fun and inspirational, not serious!
Then What?
Once you’ve created your vision board, it’s time to put it in a place where it’s visible to you every day. This can be in your home office, bedroom, kitchen — somewhere where you know you’ll be forced to look at it on a daily basis.
The practice of visually looking at your goals each day can be a key motivator in reminding you what your focuses are or should be. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon but you often find yourself skipping out on your planned workouts, seeing your vision board with pictures of someone crossing that finish line can help force you to remember the end goal and what you need to do to get there. Without daily visual reminders, it’s easy to get caught up in old routines and habits that aren’t aligned with your ultimate goals.
Lastly, your vision board is yours and yours alone.
When you look at it, does it ring true to the life you want to live? Even if you create it and six months down the road it doesn’t feel accurate anymore, feel free to cut and paste as needed! We all need editing from time to time so don’t feel like your goals today have to remain the same in a year from now.
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